Earn Passive income from Trading Bots | MintMoney
The crypto market has experienced a significant surge in demand for crypto trading bots . As a result, a lot of individuals want to give it a shot. Despite the fact that crypto and market volatility are far more complicated, the need for trading bots has grown. A crypto trading bot is a piece of software that uses specified inputs to monitor, inspect, and execute transactions across cryptocurrency exchanges. Typically, these bots employ trading algorithm programmes to automatically trade cryptocurrency based on predetermined plans. There exists 3 most common algorithms on which crypto trading bots rely on: Market creating, trend following, and mean-reversion programmes Market-making algorithms strive to buy at lower prices and sell at higher prices by generating a continuous bid-ask spread. Market liquidity is also created as a result of this. Trend-following algorithms evaluate the momentum of a coin and place trades that follow the trend. Mean-reversion algorithms determine w...